Got any questions?

Our team is always here to help. Send us a message and we'll get back to you shortly.


Question: Do you require long term contracts?

No, all hosting can be done month to month. Although we do allow prepayment of services.

Question: Can you move my website from it's old host?

Yes, We can help you move your website to Reiners Cloud Hosting Service, or your own cloud host.

Question: Do you have a Datacenter?

We do, but all production hosting is done from cloud providers, Either Digital Ocean, Google Cloud Platform, or Linode depending on feature set and performance required.

We keep multiple copies of your site available on business plans, and load balance when uptime is a requirement.

Typical cloud hosting has an incredible uptime, newer sites are hosted through Linode, as the price and performance is top notch in the midwest, due to a centrally located datacenter in TX.

We've got machines in multiple zones of the US, and We'll select the best hosting for your site.

Question: Can your purchase a domain, handle SSL, and monitor the site for me?

Letsencrypt certificates are included in our hosting plans, Purchased certificates can be used, if you need Enhanced Verification certificates, We can also purchase them for you for an added cost and bill you.

All websites are monitored for up time using 3 different checkers. SSL is also monitored.

Question: What features do you offer for plans?

Normally smaller hosting plans come with basic storage, and bandwidth, as an added bonus, if you develop of make modifications yourself, We offer shell accounts, SFTP, FTP, FTPS, Web folder access, SSH, Mail hosting, Web hosting, Business Plans can have a wide variety of needs, and We will work with you.

Question: Can you move my site for me?
In most cases We'll move your site for an hourly rate, and help with whatever level of support is needed to get you up and running quickly. Typically, depending on the site, and what is required It costs between $100-1500, although most sites are in the $100-400 range, after that, monthly hosting and whatever maintenance your site needs is also charged at an hourly rate.

If you just need a hosting place, and you you are a web developer or you have a team for that, then our hosting costs are very affordable for almost everyone.

Question: What will a new site cost me?

This is an extremely hard question to answer, because website hosting varies by a lot, If you need just a single static site, with just a page or two, and maybe a contact form, $300 is a good start.

Once pages grow to over a few pages, most of the time it's easier to move to a Wordpress hosting package so it's easier for multiple people to manage the website. All hosting plans are offered MySQL databases as well, if needed.

Wordpress website redesigns start at around $500 and quickly go up depending on the amount of time to reach the final product, pages needed, etc.

Contact us for a quote to get you where you need to be at 605-336-7063, the call/chat button on this website, or use the web form on this page.